How to wipe macbook pro os x 10
How to wipe macbook pro os x 10

Any help is much appreciated, even if just to confirm the battery itself is bad. I was obviously able to get Mint installed and now have everything up and running except for this battery issue. For additional background, when I received the MacBook, it would not be boot into anything I could not boot into the OS or even into recovery mode and the only thing it would display was an icon showing a folder with a question mark in the middle.

how to wipe macbook pro os x 10 how to wipe macbook pro os x 10

I realize that the battery itself may have failed, however I'm hoping maybe there is a fix. When it is on, clicking on the battery icon indicates the battery is "Fully Charged" but shows the charge as "0%". The issue I'm having is that the machine will run when plugged directly into power, but if the power supply is disconnected the machine turns off. I am running Mint 21.1, Cinnamon Version 5.6.7. I am working on a MacBook Pro model A1708. However, I am experiencing an issue with the battery charging. I'm a new user to the Mint OS and am loving it so far.

How to wipe macbook pro os x 10